The Yazoo City Fire Department provides non-patient transport emergency medical response, fire suppression, fire prevention, safety training for personnel, and fire and life safety education for the public.
The Department provides (AED) and Basic (CPR) Life Support. All firefighters are certified by the American Heart Association and the State Fire Academy.
The mission of the Yazoo City Fire Department is to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Yazoo City from fire and other threats through professionalism, dedication, integrity, and training. The Yazoo City Fire Department also works to enhance the quality of life of the people of Yazoo City and its surrounding areas. This will be accomplished by providing a vast range of emergency services, strong public relations and fire safety education. We also endeavor to protect and preserve the health of our membership and return our personnel safely to their families.
The Yazoo City Fire Department was established in 1884. Station 1 was built in 1906 and housed horse-drawn wagons. The fire department is still headquartered in the same building.
Services & Programs
Services provided by our department include structural fire suppression, grass and woods fire suppression, rescue and extraction, hazardous material response and fire prevention.
In 2014 the Yazoo City Fire Department with the aid of The National Fire Protection Association and the American Red Cross supplying smoke detectors, The Yazoo City Fire Department started installing smoke detectors in households in Yazoo City and County at no cost to the home owners. To date we have installed over 7,000 smoke detectors.
Locations and contact information for each of Yazoo City’s fire stations:
Administrative Operations
Main Station #1 Phone # (662) 746-2841 Business # (662) 746-7030
210 South Washington Street,
Yazoo City, MS 39194
Fire Chief – Ricky Harris
Assistant Chief / Fire Marshal – Kenny Washington
Personnel & Equipment
The Yazoo City Fire Department Employs 32 personnel who work in three shifts. Each shift consists of 9 fire suppression personnel operating out of two fire stations. Fire suppression personnel work 24-hour shifts, commonly called 24/48. The Fire Department boast three frontline apparatus, which consist of, two engines, a ladder truck, and also a reserve pumper, special operations rescue truck, and an airport crash truck.
Station #1 Staffs Three Shifts Six Full Time Firemen 24/7 and Houses 3
- 2015 E-ONE TYPHONE with a 10,000 Gallon tank 1500 (GPM) Pump it is also set up for auto rescue carrying a E-DROLICK set of jaws, ram and cutters.
- 2006 E-ONE 75-foot Aerial ladder truck, 500 GPM tank 1250 pump that is also equipped for small rescue operations.
- 2000 PIRCE F 550 Ford 250 Gallon tank 500 GPM pump Minnie Pumper- primarily used for Special operations such as rope rescue operations and Hazardous Material Operations.
Station #3 Staffs Three Full Time Firemen 24/7 and Houses three
610 East 15th Street,
Yazoo City, MS 39194 Phone # (662) 746-5561
- 2010 E-ONE 1,000 Gallon tank 1250 GPM Pump Pumper.
- 1989 Amertek Foam Capable 600 Gallon water tank and a 60 Gallon foam tank 500 GPM pump Special Operations Crash Truck.
- 1993 PIRCE Saber 750 Gallon Tank 1250 GPM Pump used as a reserve Pumper.
CONNECT WITH US- Facebook (YAZOO City Fire Department)
Yazoo City Fire Department
210 South Washington Street, Yazoo City, MS
Telephone 662-746-2841
Fax 662-746-3527
Open Burning Permits Outdoor Burning Guidelines
As the weather turns colder, limb, leaves and yard debris disposal needs increase. While many in Yazoo City choose to dispose of yard refuse through the city’s solid waste department by bagging leaves and bundling limbs, others residents choose other methods to dispose of yard waste.
Some turn to the age-old method of “open burning”. Choosing to dispose of their limbs and twigs in a small burn pile or burn barrel which is illegal inside the city limit without a special permit.
Simply thought of as burning things outside, “open burning” has residual effects well beyond the scope of the naked eye.
“Before lighting that fire, remember to protect yourself, your neighbors, and your wallet by knowing what and where you can burn”, “If not controlled, fires can destroy property and endanger lives”.
Only dried twigs or limbs and branches that originate from the property of the homeowner may be burned for disposal purposes. Special Permits are required for residents wishing to burn on their property. Permits may be obtained by calling the Yazoo City Fire Department at (662) 746-2841.
Fire Marshal Kenny Washington suggests the following precautions be taken when burning on your property.
- Maintain a means to extinguish the fire at all times while burning
- Place the fire at least 15-feet from any structure, trees, or other object that may catch fire
- Attend the fire at all times
- Prevent creating a nuisance for neighbors
City ordinances prevent the burning of any items within the city limits without a special permit. Materials ILLEGAL to burn at any time in Yazoo City Limits include: leaves, furniture/mattresses, household garbage and trash, dead animals, tires, grass clippings and hazardous materials.
For residents not wishing to burn debris, other options exist.
The city’s Public Works is responsible for removing all yard waste that meets specific criteria concerning weight, length and packaging. Yard waste such as leaves, trimmings and pine straw must be placed in bags and tied.
Limbs and other trimmings should not exceed five feet in length and no greater than eight inches in diameter. Limbs and/or bundled branches may not weigh more than sixty pounds or exceed two cubic yards and should be placed next to the trash receptacle.
Yard debris will be collected on your areas collection day.
It is against city ordinances to blow or rake leaves into storm drains or into the gutter and prohibit the piling of leaves and yard refuse on curbside.
Additionally, blocking traffic lanes or creating line-of-sight hazards for motorists can result in liabilities to the homeowner.
Residents who contract with a tree service or hire an individual for the removal of trees on private property will be responsible for the disposal of such debris.
Leaves make an excellent mulch for use around trees and shrubs, or in flower and vegetable gardens. They help retard the growth of weeds, help retain soil moisture, help maintain lower soil temperatures in the summer, and protect against temperature fluctuations and some types of low temperature injury during winter. They eventually decompose, adding their nutrients to the soil and improving soil structure.
Whatever means of limb and leaf disposal is chosen, please follow city fire and disposal codes. For burn permits or information about outdoor burning please contact the Yazoo City Hall. For information about garbage and trash collection, please contact the Yazoo Public Works Department at 662-746-5121 or visit
Homeowner Burn Permits
Currently it is illegal to burn in the City of Yazoo. Burning trash or leaves is not permitted unless approved through the fire marshal and a burn permit is obtained. To obtain a burn permit, call Division Chief Kenny Washington at 662-746-2841 or 662-590-5211
Hydrant Flow Testing
Hydrant flow testing for construction projects or for sprinkler systems may be arranged by calling 662-746-2841.
Public Education
Public Education services are offered through Station Tours, School Programs on Fire Safety Education, Community Programs, and Smoke Detector Installation and Use Programs. To schedule a class or inquire about our fire and life safety services call 662-746-2841 or e-mail
Training Programs
Training programs for all employees include fire suppression, emergency medical services (non-patient transport), HAZMAT (hazardous materials response team), rope rescue, basic fire extinguisher training, car seat installation and CPR/ First Aid training, please call 662-746-2841 or e-mail Assistant Chief Ricky Harris ( or Fire Marshall Kenny Washington (
Fire Safety
Smoke alarms detectors- Smoke alarms save lives by providing early warning of possible fire dangers. By installing a smoke alarm in your home or business, it may increase your survival rate by 78%. Equally important, you should have an escape plan in case of fire for your home or business which should include a safe designated meeting place after exiting your home or business. With all that said, it should also be properly installed.
Fire Extinguishers- Fire extinguishers should be properly mounted in highly visible areas and known by all potential users. Every possible user should be trained on the correct procedure for using the fire extinguisher and have a general idea for the different types and use for each fire extinguisher available.
Exit Drills in the Home(EDITH)- These are emergency drills which should be known and practiced in the event of a fire or emergency in the home or business. They should be written and visible so everyone is aware of all exits in case of emergency.
Common Safety Tips
Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms provide an early warning of fire, giving you and your family more time to safely evacuate your home.
Often, home fires occur in the darkness of night when residents are fast asleep. One misconception is that a person will awaken from the smell of smoke. This is WRONG … Smoke is a silent killer! Smoke contains many deadly gases, such as carbon monoxide, that will actually put a person into an even deeper state of sleep, causing a person never to wake up. A smoke alarm is your first line of defense to get out alive.
Choosing a Smoke Alarm
- Smoke alarms can be purchased at the majority of hardware and variety department stores. Be sure that the alarms you buy carry the label of an independent testing laboratory.
- Smoke alarms in the City of Yazoo must have a ten-year lithium battery with a tamper resistant battery compartment or be hardwired directly to your home’s electrical system with a battery backup. Either type is effective as long as they are installed and maintained properly (follow the manufacturer’s directions).
- Some smoke alarms detect smoke using an ionization sensor while others use a photoelectric sensor. Again, both types are effective as long as they are installed and
- maintained properly, following the manufacturer’s directions.
- Specialty alarms with emergency lights also exist for the hearing impaired.
How many and where to install?
The total number of smoke alarms and where they are installed depends on the home. Follow these guidelines for determining the number of smoke alarms and where to install them.
- All residential buildings within the City of Yazoo must have smoke alarms installed in the
- following areas:
- In each bedroom
- In each sleeping area
- Within six feet of each door leading to a bedroom or sleeping area of each unit
- On each floor of the building
- Smoke alarms are not recommended for kitchens, bathrooms, or garages where cooking fumes, steam, or exhaust fumes could result in false alarms.
- Do not install an alarm in an attic or other unheated spaces where humidity and temperature changes could affect the alarm’s operation.
- If your alarm regularly goes off due to normal cooking in the kitchen, do not attempt to remove the battery. Physically move and reinstall the smoke alarm in a location where the alarm will not continually go off while you are cooking.
- Install smoke alarms following the manufacturer’s directions. Most battery-operated smoke alarms can be easily installed using a drill, screws, and screwdriver. Alarms hard-wired to the homes electrical system should be installed by a professional, never install an alarm to a circuit that can be turned off from a wall switch.
- Mount alarms high on a wall or on the ceiling. Avoid dead air spaces. Wall-mounted alarms should be installed so that they are 4 to 12 inches from the ceiling. A ceiling-mounted alarm should be attached at least 4 inches from the nearest wall.
Maintenance & Batteries
- Only a functioning smoke alarm can protect you and your family.
- Never disable an alarm by “borrowing” its battery for another use.
- Test your smoke alarms monthly.
- Follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Clean your smoke alarms using a dust brush or rag.
- Never paint a smoke alarm.
- Replace smoke alarms that are more than 10 years old
- Ensure smoke detectors are inside and possibly outside every sleeping area
- Practice escape plans with the whole family
- Change check smoke detectors every six months or monthly
- Keep hallways free of clutter and obstructions
- If using space heaters, keep flammable material at least 3 feet away
- Keep fire extinguishers near all cooking areas, inside and outside home
- Don’t leave candles, stoves, grills, food or fires unattended
- Don’t store flammable items near heaters or fires
- Clean dryer lint filter after every use whether large or small loads being dried
Safety Links
National Fire Protection Association
Mississippi Department of Insurance
Mississippi State Fire Academy
Car Seats / Seatbelt Law
The Yazoo City Fire Dept. Are members of the National CPS Program and have many firefighters who are certified car seat technicians. We will be glad to show you how and help you install you child’s car seat, free of charge. We prefer that you bring your child with you so that we may properly fit them for their seat. However, if you are unable to bring your child, we can teach you how to adjust the straps so they will fit your child
properly. You may come to either Station 1 or Station 3. It is not necessary that you have an appointment, but you may want to call ahead so that we can plan around your arrival. Also keep in mind that, because of the nature of the Fire Service, we may be out of the station on a 911 call when you arrive even if you have called ahead. We apologize if this causes any inconvenience.
Change in Seatbelt Law AS of July 1, 2017 Every Operator and every passenger must wear a properly fastened Safety Seat Belt.
Mississippi has a primary seat belt law. If law enforcement sees you without a seat belt they can and will pull you over! Car seat laws vary from state to state. Our law says that children from birth to age 4 are required to ride in a correctly installed car seat. At age 4 up to age 8 children under 65 pounds or 4’9″ in height are required to ride in a booster seat. Other car seat tips:
Children are safest in the back seat until at least 13 years old
Read directions for your car seat and your vehicle before installing your car seat. If you still have problems, let a certified car seat technician help you.
Children should remain rear facing in the seat until they are two (2) years old. When buying a car seat, check to see how easy it is to use.
Never buy a used seat! It could be damaged or recalled!
Never leave your child unattended for any period of time.
Children ages 4-7,65 Ibs. or 4’9″ are required to sit in a booster seat.
If you are taking or picking up a child and it is not part of your routine, use a reminder that you have precious cargo in the back seat!
If you have questions or comments that have not been addressed on this page, please feel free to call (662) 746-2841 and we will do our best to answer your questions or find someone who can.
Click here for more information.

Firewise 2019